Saturday, July 23, 2005

Day Two

I woke up at 7 am. Went to breakfast where I met the rest of my group and the guide told us about the places where we would go during tommorow's day tour of New York City.

After that we were supposed to go to a cross cultural event. I expected it to be 'not so interesting' but nooo wayyy. It was very innovative/interesting... a simulation...

They divided us into 11 teams for the simlation. The scenario was like this : each of the groups represented one ficticious country. We had just been elected to power and had a certain number of units of food, money and environmental programs and during the elections we had promised that we would meet certain targets for the amount of food/wealth/env progs.

We had some initial amount of these three and could trade it with other countries. We also had a certain number of "scandals". After every year, we could "scandalize" one of these three commodities of another country. They could defend using another scandal and we could attack with another and so on...Anyway, the loser would forfeit all his food/wealth/env progs depending on which was being scandalized.

This role playing went of for 5 "years". During each year, we could trade with other countries... which were classified into those which we were allowed to trade with and those with whom we couldn't.

This role playing helped us all to understand why certain things happen in the current political scenario in the world... we noticed in the siulation that countries who were hoarding more of a commodity than they needed were very likely to be attacked. Also, even if we weren't allowed to deal with a country, we could do it via a third country.

Anyway, it ended at about 11:30 am. Then we went to a nearby park where we had a barbecue lunch after which I played kick-ball (its baseball where instead of hitting the ball, you kick it like a football and run to the next base), then we went to the lake where some of us swam/went boating and others lazed around/played frisbee. I also tried my luck with a hula-hoop but it didnt go to well thanks to my above average moment of intertia so we ended up converting it to a game, throwing the hoops.

We got back to the hotel at 5 pm. My 1 GB card is almost full so now I better transfer it to my hard disk.

Now, I'm off to have dinner after which the Project Groups meet to start off the presentations.


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